Research Ethics Board of Health (REBH) has been formed in the Ministry of Health to protect human subjects in any research or study. Henceforth, all those conducting any health-related research*/study in Bhutan involving human subjects** must obtain Ethical Approval from REBH before conducting the research/study. Any health-related research/study done without Ethical Approval will be nullified or will not be possible to publish or present anywhere or REBH may take action in the interest of the human subjects.
The board meets in February, April, June, August, October, and December every year. All documents must reach the REBH secretariat at least two weeks before the scheduled meetings. From 2009 to 2015, the median duration for approval of protocols from the date of receiving application was 48 days. Even the expedited review process takes about two weeks.
6. For second (subsequent) reviews (resubmission with major or Minor reviews) please fill in the resubmitted review application form (Application Form For Resubmitted Protocol Review) and submit the revised protocol (highlight the changes made in the protocol)
7. For amendment review, PI must submit the revised protocol (highlight the changes made) along with application form for amendment review (Application Form For Protocol Amendment Review).
Submit all above documents to the Secretariat of REBH through online submission portal at
For more details please contact REBH Secretary ( OR visit
SCOPE OF REBH REVIEW AND ACTION LETTERS: Please note that REBH only reviews the scientific and ethical soundness of the research/study. The PI shall be responsible to seek all other clearances/approvals required by the law/policy/executive order including permission from the study sites, and administrative approval before conducting the study